Risultati di ricerca per: "Antropologie e transculturazioni in America Latina"

Atmosphere Re-Entry Simulation Using Direct Monte Carlo Method (DSMC)

Validation study of a new fluid dynamics simulation technique, the Monte Carlo method, valid for dense and rarefied gas

- ISBN: 978-3-639-77719-2

€ 55,90

Magnetic Carbon

The world of new room temperature carbon based ferromagnets

- ISBN: 978-3-639-84755-0

€ 44,90

Risk analysis of maternal filicide

Necessity to understand, responsibility to prevent

- ISBN: 978-3-639-77958-5

€ 23,90

Classificatore di traffico ad alte prestazioni su piattaforma NetFPGA

Implementazione su FPGA di un algoritmo di classificazione basato su automi a stati finiti

- ISBN: 978-3-639-77431-3

€ 55,90

The Business of Photography: "You press the button, we do the rest"

A clear and explanatory analysis of the business of photography based both on technical data and my personal experience

- ISBN: 978-3-330-77737-8

€ 49,90

An analytical approach supporting archaeological reconstruction

Investigation of blue pigments uncovered at Villa romana di Lio Piccolo

- ISBN: 978-620-0-83855-1

€ 54,90

Love is Music

Adolescents and the world of spectacle

- ISBN: 978-3-639-86033-7

€ 45,90

Oxford: a walk across the city of Dreaming Spires

A guide of the city and its main architectural and tourist attractions

- ISBN: 978-3-639-77729-1

€ 39,90

The Effect of Adding Features on Product Attractiveness

The Role of Product Perceived Congruity

- ISBN: 978-3-639-80659-5

€ 71,90