Risultati di ricerca per: "Antropologie e transculturazioni in America Latina"

Cost Models for Parallel Programming on Shared Memory Architectures

A Methodological and Structured Approach to Performance Prediction

- ISBN: 978-3-639-48753-4

€ 36,90

Realizzazione di Sospensioni Intelligenti

Dal Concept alla Realizzazione

- ISBN: 978-3-639-65876-7

€ 49,90

Monitoraggio del flusso di CO2 su terreni torbosi del basso Veneziano

Un'innovativa indagine ambientale riguardo i cambiamenti indotti dall'uomo nel bacino scolante della laguna veneta

- ISBN: 978-3-639-82708-8

€ 35,90

Il Boom delle Fintech

Fintech's impact on our banking system

- ISBN: 978-620-2-08481-9

€ 23,90

Il Fantastico Cantastorie


- ISBN: 978-620-2-09052-0

€ 23,90

Complementiser Deletion

a comparative study

- ISBN: 978-3-330-78092-7

€ 64,90

Global and local emissions of energy systems

Methodology and case studies

- ISBN: 978-620-2-45043-0

€ 74,90

Durability of fibre reinforced cementitious materials

Experimental and critical analysis on degradations of innovative structural reinforcements

- ISBN: 978-620-0-83820-9

€ 71,90

Electronic control system for a german equatorial telescopic mount

A simple hardware and firmware solution to implement a goto and sidereal tracking function

- ISBN: 978-3-639-49008-4

€ 89,90

Distributed Abstract State Machine for Grid Services

A formal method for studying complex systems

- ISBN: 978-3-330-78177-1

€ 32,90