The Sharing Economy in Italy

The Sharing Economy in Italy

A consumer analysis in the accommodation and transportation industries

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 08.08.2018 )

€ 32,90

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This book presents an analysis on sharing economies in the Italian business ecosystem. It is demonstrated that in Europe in general, and Italy more specifically, there is a gap between users and non-users of the sharing economy. Moreover, the gap exists also between the used services on collaborative platforms and the offered services on them. This analysis seeks to investigate the reasons of these gaps in two typologies of these transactions: transportation and accommodation services. These new business models are innovations which are changing quickly the supply and consumption chains. To summarize, the aim of the research is to explore consumer behaviour in sharing economies platforms concerning accommodation and transportation services, in Italy. First of all, a general analysis will be presented of the different definitions on the concept of sharing economies and of all the other terms related to them, such as collaborative consumption, gig economies, peer to peer consumption…etc. In the second part the empirical analysis is introduced and explained. Conclusions will provide a general summary and suggestions in order to increase the use of those platforms in Italy.

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By (author) :

Chiara Sartori

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