Legal style markers and their translation

Legal style markers and their translation

In written pleadings before the European Court of Human Rights

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 16.02.2018 )

€ 58,90

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This book lies in the field of Legal Translation Studies. It aims at filling in a gap on the language and structure of the occluded genre of written pleadings before the European Court of Human Rights, concentrating on the legal style markers and their translation. The study does not aim at an exhaustive description but rather at signalling the structural and distributional tendencies in the phraseological profile of written pleadings. The results contain a list of phraseological units that are typical of this genre. On the theoretical level, the book supplements the rather scant information about the language and genre of written pleadings at the ECtHR. On the practical level, the results are oriented at legal practitioners who have to draft such documents and may be of use to Russian-to-English and Italian-to-English legal translators. On a more general level, the book may be useful for the researchers interested in the language of human rights and the linguistic regime of the European Court of Human Rights.

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By (author) :

Jekaterina Nikitina

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General and comparative literature science