National analysis of no professional sport companies

National analysis of no professional sport companies

Event diffusion and performance indicators

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 17.07.2018 )

€ 49,90

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Development of sports and its place in modern society is a topic of great importance. Nowadays, the increase of physical culture, sports and healthy lifestyle plays an important role in society in any country. Sport can be practiced as professional or simply as personal improvement, as pleasure or as educational subject. In any case, sport allows people to identify individual abilities, to fight for result, to learn how to be part of a team, to follow rules and a training process, having an impact not only on people’s body, health and strength but also on people’s attitude and personality. Sport is, above all, an important social phenomenon at all levels affecting national relations, business life, social status, fashion forms, ethical values and people’s lifestyle. Considering together all these areas, sport has become a business that is rising all over the world. Requests of sport practices by people are increasing in Italy as well as all over the world and, for that reason, the coordination and regulation of sport activities is constantly increasing too.

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Nicholas Carlo Righetto

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