The Italian adaptation of Ready Player One

The Italian adaptation of Ready Player One

The analysis of specific dialogue translation problems, potential cultural consequences, and possible solutions

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 12.04.2020 )

€ 39,90

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In a world where we find ourselves constantly talking about “the latest Oscar-material movie” and “that new super cool Netflix series”, it is impossible to deny that the entertainment industry is one of the biggest money machines ever created. This is especially true for English-speaking countries, but what happens when media products have to be translated and marketed in countries where English is not one of the main languages? Using Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One, this study will highlight how a cheap and hasty adaption work can heavily affect a media product. Finally, this paper will outline what skills a good translator should have in order to be able to overcome these obstacles. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born bilingual, but all of us should have access to something as precious and culturally rich as original moving pictures.

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By (author) :

Melissa Marangoni

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Language and literature science