Italian Aviation Market - survey and outlook

Italian Aviation Market - survey and outlook

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 20.10.2017 )

€ 39,90

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Italy ranks 5th in Europe for volume of traffic. The air transport segment is very much linked to economic trends, both international trends and those of the individual geographic areas. The complexity of the variables affecting the trend of the air transport segment forces it to undergo massive change, which is now focusing on the interaction of airlines in order to achieve scale economies, also with a view to reducing operating costs. The air transport segment is subject to significant regulation, the evolution of which also affects the strategic choices made by airlines and airports, very often defining the related business paths. Within the economic context of the European Union, by comparing the carriers competing with each other and the airports operating under a natural monopoly regime, efficient regulations remain a fundamental factor aimed at pursuing the objective of maximizing the quality of the services provided to the passengers.

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Enrico Maria Malato

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Vehicles, Aircraft, Ships, space travel