Second Language Acquisition

Second Language Acquisition

An Analysis of the English productions of Italian Mother Tongue Children

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 28.07.2017 )

€ 45,90

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My work deals with Early Second Language Acquisition and it's an analysis of the English productions of eight Italian mother tongue children. The evidence-based research that was the underpinning of the study was a two-year pilot project that studied speech/language uptake in two preschool groups. This study analyzed data collection from sessions conducted in the laboratory of Inglese Dinamico in Venice, Italy. The purpose of this work is twofold: the first one is to raise awareness on the benefits of Early Second Language Acquisition and, by presenting a particular teaching methodology, to show the advantage of a bilingual approach as one of the realizations of human potential; the second one is to investigate the ways in which a group of Italian preschoolers acquire English. After a close examination of the literature on First and Second Language Acquisition and through the positive results reached with the analysis of the comprehension and production of these children, my work will propose the spread of the teaching of a Second Language at the preschool level, with the strong believe that “languages are supposed to be learnt by normal physical process” (Penfield 1959).

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Melania Chiste'

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General and comparative literature science