Screening techniques development for food chain defense

Screening techniques development for food chain defense

Cesium-137: from Belarus to wild boars in Valsesia

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 15.02.2017 )

€ 41,90

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The "Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation" of the United Nations stated that "there is no threshold dose, outside of which there is no risk of getting cancer ... every small dose increases the likelihood of getting cancer for the person who has received it and any subsequent dose increases this probability. " This book shows the development of studies on the subject conducted at the “Istituto Zooprofilattico” and, in particular, describes the development of the screening methods suitable to guarantee consumers’ safety and their application on field for the territorial surveillance. The proposed methods are described by comprehensive extracts of works with the indication of the role of each in a more general supervisory system, in which they applied the principles of the Health Surveillance aimed at the protection of consumers’ health. This monograph is addressed to any technicians who deal with food control, both in territorial surveillance and laboratory controls, who want to deepen the study of an integrated sampling system - analysis aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness in e Food safety supervisory systems.

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By (author) :

Pietro Luigi Cazzola

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Veterinary medicine