The Acquisition of N-N Compounds in Italian EFL speakers

The Acquisition of N-N Compounds in Italian EFL speakers

The effects of form-focused activities in guided experimental contexts

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 07.09.2018 )

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This publication is the result of an experimental study carried out on Italian EFL learners at CEF B1 level. The idea for the study has mainly arisen from the author’s interest in the acquisition of lexis, as well as the experience as a foreign language learner, teacher, teacher educator and materials writer. This has led to the identification of a research gap in the field of L2 compound acquisition. The various representations and classifications of compounds and ‘compositional constructions’, the relevant terminological issues and classification criteria found in the available literature have been very useful starting points for further reflection. Compounds are interesting constructions in linguistics because they are often placed on a continuum, at the interfaces between syntax, lexis and morphology. Compounds seem to appear quite early in the L1 but it is not clear where they can be placed – if at all – within an L2 acquisitional sequence continuum. The study has reviewed the available literature and investigated the extent to which form-focused activities can enhance the acquisition of subordinate and attributive-appositive compound nouns in Italian learners of L2 English.

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By (author) :

Maria Angela Ceruti

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Language and literature science