Multi-agent coverage and dispatch

Multi-agent coverage and dispatch

Strategies for coverage and focus on event for robotic swarms with limited sensing capabilities

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 11.09.2018 )

€ 54,90

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We consider the problem of coverage in Robotic Networks: developing an efficient algorithm which is able to perform a deployment in static obstacle-structured environments is our main idea. The particular aim and tasks we chose are 1. the maximization of local communication: we reformulated the algorithm in order to remove the assumption of a centralized server which collects local information from individual robots and performing the distributed approach as far as possible; 2. the definition of an expansion policy when we have multiple source of robot swarms; 3. the insertion of the possibility to detect small non-convex features in the environment which usually result “blind-spots” for some obstacles, assuming a space structure model for robots (e.g. giving them a round shape) in order to define the limitation of smallest non-convex coverable features; 4. the possibility of event detection and focusing by sending a group of robots.

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By (author) :

Marco Fabris

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Electronics, electro-technology, communications technology