Durability of fibre reinforced cementitious materials

Durability of fibre reinforced cementitious materials

Experimental and critical analysis on degradations of innovative structural reinforcements

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 10.08.2020 )

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The capacity to maintain specific mechanical properties over time is a fundamental aspect for building materials and especially for those that have a structural bearing function. FRCM composite materials with inorganic matrix are complex systems with young development on which different durability studies have been carried out due to their increasingly common use. This research aims to provide all the main information useful for the correct interpretation of degradation phenomena that may affect the mechanical capabilities of these systems based on different types of fibres, thanks to a collection of the main studies carried out by various international institutes and universities, in addition to innovative experimental research developed in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano. The analysis of the standards in place and their evaluation are an important part of the global analysis, together with the description of the methods of study, conditioning and elaboration, which can be useful for engineers and architects to design reinforcement systems that last over time and guarantee the properties described at the design phase for the entire useful life of the structures.

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By (author) :

Sergio Gorini

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Building and environmental technology