Dynamic Negotiation of Security Protocols in Distributed Systems

Dynamic Negotiation of Security Protocols in Distributed Systems

Secure Components (SecCom)

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 28.07.2014 )

€ 44,90

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Nowadays, recent technological innovations in low-power, low-cost communication miniature computing devices and sensors, make it possible to use them in an increasingly wide range of objects. Furthermore, their communication capabilities make it possible to build Networked Embedded Systems (NES) in which devices collaborate with each other and exhibit autonomous and coordinated behavior. Security, is a crucial requirement for an increasing number of embedded systems, ranging from low-end systems such as PDAs and networked sensors to high-end systems such as routers, gateways and storage servers. Technological growth, that spurred the development of these electronic types of systems, also ushered in the growth of adversary powers and sophistication in making attacks to those systems. In this work SecCom component has been implemented, it provides the secure communication service according to the application security policy. A security policy defines the sets of protocols that have to be applied in order to protect the communication among components in different physical devices. SecCom could negotiate the secure communication protocol as well as the cryptographic algorithms.

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By (author) :

Flavio Crisciani

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Electronics, electro-technology, communications technology