Investigation of Structural Motorcycle Vibrations due to Engine

Investigation of Structural Motorcycle Vibrations due to Engine

Experimental and numerical methodology to investigate structural motorcycle vibrations caused by engine unbalances

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 16.01.2015 )

€ 69,90

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Vibrations, both mechanical and acoustic, mainly affect ride comfort, exposing driver to persistent disturbs. Ride comfort represents one of the most important dynamic performances of motorcycles. Mechanical vibrations are mainly caused by volumetric engine inertial unbalances and irregularity of the road profile. Shaking forces caused by engine unbalances are probably the most critical input, also considering the reduced efficacy of engine mounts as suspension/filter. The main aim of this work is to provide a methodology to clearly identify structural properties involved in the propagation of the vibrations and to propose solutions able to reduce the structural vibrations of a motorcycle due to the shaking forces originated by the engine unbalance. The contents of this book could be useful for students, engineers, and designers involved in NVH fields on motorcycles and, more in general, on ground vehicles.

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By (author) :

Stefano Agostoni
Andrea Natale Barbera

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Vehicles, Aircraft, Ships, space travel