The life cycle profile of human skills: investing in skill foramtion

The life cycle profile of human skills: investing in skill foramtion

Milan, December 9, 2012

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 09.01.2019 )

€ 54,90

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Childhood is very important. We need to be stimulated and followed in our first years. We need somebody to understand all the basic knowledge present in this world. Everything can be stimulated, even our characters and our consciousness. Our parents have to teach us how to walk, speak and eat and everything it's a new discovery. In this situation our parents have to be present in every single moment of our life: they are our frames of reference. I want to describe the necessity for the young people to be hold by their people and to be stimulated in childhood. An important crucial factor in people are skills. Skills are our social capital, the most important things in a individual. Form this comes out our future, our abilities and the capacity to solve problem and take important chance in our future. In various papers we can see that skills have a crucial role as a determinants on the wage, on our QI and on our choice. In this dissertation we want to understand what are skills, when they are shaped, how to implement it and what are their role in our future.

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Marco Tomasini

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