Energy Economics

Energy Economics

The price of raw materials and Economic Growth in European Country

Edizioni Accademiche Italiane ( 05.12.2016 )

€ 32,90

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The dynamics of the price of raw materials has always been of significant interest both for its impact on the expectations of the development of the real economy (employment, investment, consumption) as well as for the relationship an economy has with the rest of the world. The sharp swings in recent years, of the price of energy sources are generally seen as the main factor of the asymmetries in the economic cycle, causing concern about possible slowdowns in the Economic performance of most developed Countries. Energy is one of the key factors to ensure the competitiveness of the economy. The oil in the energy mix for over seventy years has held a prominent position of great importance on the global economic-political scenario for the impact it has on the economy of states and consequently in influencing international relations. Thirty years after the first oil crisis still weighs on the European system and the lack of a clear approach on energy issues, marked by the diversification of primary sources and energy efficiency in the various end-use sectors.

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Alberto Costantiello

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